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Community Spotlight: Meet recording artist LOONEY from Woodland Hills, California.

Today, we're happy to share with you our conversation with recording artist LOONEY from Woodland Hills, California.
We wanted to get to know a little bit more about who he is, how he got into the music industry, and where he's going on his creative journey. Here's how it went:

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us LOONEY! We're excited to have you as our next feature and learn more about you as a musician. Let's start this off with you sharing exactly what it was that initially drew you to your craft, and how has your journey unfolded since then?
I always grew up around rap music and all my friends would either make beats or write lyrics. We’d freestyle from time to time but never took it seriously until I did an open mic and only performed 1 song but that changed my life. After I performed that song, somebody from the crowd came up to me crying saying that she felt every line and that she related to it a lot. That changed my perspective on everything because my writing style is therapeutic, and I forget that we all go through the same or similar experiences growing up or in the present tense. After that day I’ve been inspired to share my message with everybody and hope to help the one’s that suffer in silence.

Can you share some insights into your creative process? Where do you find inspiration, and how do you translate that into your work?
Honestly, the inspiration comes from my heart. It feels like I'm finally speaking up for every time I didn’t in the past. A lot of it is just living life alone, having your “brothers” or close friends stab your back, biting your tongue every time you knew you should have spoken up for yourself, not having people take you serious growing up. All of these emotions I’m tuning into is just stuff that I’ve gone through.

What projects are you currently working on, and what excites you the most about them?
I’m currently working with a producer/ engineer/artist named Whose and we have two tracks on the way that I’m adding to an EP dropping later this year! I’m very honored to be working with him, somebody who cares about the passion of this art and someone whose just as hungry as I am in this music lane!

Looking back on your career so far, what would you consider to be your proudest achievement or most memorable moment?
I can’t really think of one because I feel like I'm in the middle of this stage right now if that makes sense. I’m currently using my friend's camera (SHOUT OUT FOREIGN DRIP) to shoot all my videos with better quality, I'm getting show bookings without having to ask now, and the connections I’ve made over the years have been helping the process for sure.

How do you navigate challenges and setbacks in your field, and what advice would you give to aspiring creatives facing similar obstacles?
I’m not too sure if other artist’s feel the same way when they are coming up, but my biggest obstacle is my mind. 9 times out of 10 when you are writing a song, you're by yourself. So certain topics may come up that feel safe to talk about but eventually you’ll have to perform it in front of a crowd that doesn’t know anything about you or what you’ve gone through, and it can feel like a lot of weight sometimes. The way I overcame this “fear” is by doing at least a show every month and putting myself in that stressful position just to overcome it. The more you put yourself out there, the more confident and ready you’ll be for next time. It might sound corny, but it really does give you that extra boost when it’s needed.

In an industry constantly evolving, how do you stay innovative and relevant while maintaining your unique voice/style?
I just talk about situations that I’ve gone through or how I feel and that alone I think helps itself out. Whenever I’m really feeling a song, I just let the writing do itself and the flow comes with it. I think that’s what’s unique about it because I never know how the song is going to sound like until its actually finished.

Can you talk about any collaborations or partnerships that have been particularly meaningful or impactful for you?
Shhhesshh this is going to be the first time I talked about this, but I recently got picked up by Myrt Records and I’ve known them for almost 2 years now. I met Reggie Rare and Chris Mikels at my first show (SHOUT OUT LEFTMETHOD STUDIOS), we chopped it up for a bit. They later on had me open up their show at Venice Beach and since then I been riding with them but now, I’m officially part of the squad. I also wanted to talk about the Milk Room Ambassador Program! Met the owners over at The Milk Room (a clothing store), Greg and Rob! Got in contact with a videographer named Sunny that helped set up the whole thing. They gave me a couple free shirts and a hat but also helped get me out there by collaborating on post or by giving shout outs. Was very grateful to be a part of it and to meet all the other creatives in that space!

What do you hope audiences or consumers take away from your work, and what impact do you aspire to make in your industry?
I hope whoever is hearing my music is actually listening. Listen to my music when you're cleaning or going on a walk or cruising through the city ya know? I’m also starting to write my own skits and short films that are related to hip-hop or the “artist struggle." I want to inspire people in any way I can whether it be through music or film.

Lastly, what message or piece of wisdom would you like to share with your fans, or anyone inspired by your journey?
Mannn... whatever you're doing that you love, just keep going! Even when everybody doubts you, if you always alone, even if you broke just keep going! I’m a firm believer in manifestation as long as you put in the work. I know somebody that worked for over 25+ years in the film industry and all it took was a single 13-minute video to get him traveling different parts of the world displaying his film. And that person is my uncle, but he put in that work for years and is now starting his new chapter. Sometimes all we need is a little hope and motivation.

LOONEY, thank you again for giving us the chance to get to more about you. Now, the floor is yours, share with us the links people can use to find more of your work, as well as any special announcements or projects you have coming up in the near future!!
For special announcements I got a show with the Myrt Records team on June 1st at Carlito’s Way Cocktails bar in the San Fernando Valley, as well as another show on June 22nd at a backyard show that's also in the Valley!

Instagram: LOONEY (@justlooneyhomie) • Instagram photos and videos

Here’s a link for everything if you want to check out my tracks and any other interviews I have! LOONEY | Instagram | Linktree


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